Sunday 16 December 2012


I was out with my friends some day ago to watch Life of Pi and to have dinner. So, we went to Plaza Singapura to watch the movie and have dinner. After that, we went to the Plaza Sing's new extension to walk around. While we were just walking around, one of my friend asked: 'what are we doing?/what are we gonna do now?'. He asked that a few times and I figured that he was probably a little bored or tired of walking, cuz we were just strolling through the shopping center aimlessly and just exploring the new place. So it got me thinking a little...
I have other friends who always like to say things like 'so sian' or 'boring siaaa' or ' kum sian!'. To me, I din feel really THAT sian or bored although we weren't really doing anything much. What I feel is that sometimes, its not about the things we do, but its about the company that we have with one another. Of course, that only applies to closer friends, whom we feel comfortable with. I think that it is actually quite important to just appreciate the presence of one another.. especially in marriage where you cant be doing very fun and interesting things all the time.

Monday 3 December 2012

Standard Chartered

I ran 10km in the Standard Chartered yesterday! Thank God it didn't rain yesterday if not I wouldn't have been able to run such an awesome run! Well, I know its only 10km, but its the longest distance run that I have participated so far. I'm really glad that I ran all the wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy and din stop! I never thought that  I would be able to jog through the whole thing, in fact, I was aiming to at least jog through three quarters of the race. But I did more than I expected! Maybe I was able to run the whole thing because theres soooo many people around me running too and it made me more motivated to run hahaha.

Sooooooooooooo.. heres the E-Cert!

Wednesday 28 November 2012


So!!! Yesterday marks the end of my two years life in JC. I would say I did my best and will have no regrets regardless of the results that I get, because I have gave almost all that I had. AND praise goes to God for giving me strength to go through this journey! 

Now that Alevel is over, things will be soooo much more relaxed so much so that it will probably take me some time to get used this. I will have all the time in the world to do whatever I like!! wooosh! Money is not on my side though, so I have to spend wisely, but the best things in life are free!:D 

Ohhh Janice is getting married too~

Monday 22 October 2012


As I'm revising for GP and listening to Jay Chou's song, I feel that his songs are really nice and soothing! Its an enjoyment to be studying and listening to his songs at the same time. Talking about Jay Chou, he is really talented. He composes all his songs, write some of the lyrics, play drums, guitar, piano, directs some of his music videos, direct movies, act in movies, host TV shows, play basketball, knows a fair bit of magic. Its such a wow! I was thinking of posting some of his songs here, but all of  his songs are nice! So you can just find them on youtube! :D
well, maybe all the people whose name is J___ C___ are really cool and talented hm.

Friday 12 October 2012

Who are your pebbles?

An interesting story that I found on facebook

When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the 
mayonnaise jar and the 2 Beers.

A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him.

When the class began, he wordlessly picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls.

He then asked the students if the jar was full.

They agreed that it was.

The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly.

The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls.

He then asked the students again if the jar was

They agreed it was.

The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar.

Of course, the sand filled up everything else.

He asked once more if the jar was full..

The students responded with a unanimous 'yes.'

The professor then produced two Beers from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar effectively filling the empty space between the sand.

The students laughed..

'Now,' said the professor as the laughter subsided, 'I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life.

The golf balls are the important things---your family, your children, your health, your friends and your favorite passions---and if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full.

The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house and your car..

The sand is everything else---the small stuff.

'If you put
The sand into the jar first,' he continued, 'there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls.

The same goes for life.

If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff you will never have room for the things that are important to you.

Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness.

Spend time with your children.

Spend time with your parents.

Visit with grandparents.

Take your spouse out to dinner.

Play another 18.

There will always be time to clean the house and mow the lawn.

Take care of the golf balls first---the things that really matter.

Set your priorities.

The rest is just sand.

One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the Beer represented.

The professor smiled and said, 'I'm glad you asked.'

The Beer just shows you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of Beers with a friend.

Never let down those who loves you

Never let down those who loves you. Thats how I feel while watching 'The fierce wife'. While there are bound to be imperfections and dispute in a relationship, let these tough times unite us even closer and stronger together. Do not take one another for granted and think other other people can bring you greater happiness. But lets cherish one another and create beautiful memories that will last through till the end of life.

words from a wise man- Jeremy Chia :)

Just kiddin. 

Thursday 4 October 2012


People always learn to cherish the things that they had before only after lose them. 
Very often, I tend to take all the wonderful things around me for granted too. Its only after these things distant from me that I feel I have lost a part of me and realized how good things were. No matter how small or big these things were, they make a difference. The key is to be contented and cherish all that you have. But sometimes its just difficult to do so, because we always want things to change and become better. In life, things don't always go the way we want, sometimes, things fall apart.
Hahah I know that this post sounds so down and pessimistic, because this is me now. Slightly pessimistic about the future. About results, about relationships(any kind of relationships). 
Well, life goes on. There are ups and downs, but take joy, for we know that God is with us in every step of our way.

Saturday 8 September 2012

Sunsilk Academy Fantasia Singapore

I went to Central with my mum just now to watch the contestants of the Academy! Sunsilk Academy Fantasia Singapore is a singing competition actually, whereby the contestants have to stay in a place to receive training during which they cant contact with other people. So its quite interesting that I can get to see them live! And my mum and I were standing at the second floor, when we saw two of the contestants who were out of the competition already, and we got to see them real close! I wanted to say Hi to them but!...... in the end decided not to. hahaha.

Here are two videos that I took with my mum's digital camera.

Zhang Chi and Hui Xian singing Jay Chou's 珊瑚海.

Irwin singing 韋禮安's 慢慢等.

I don't know why I cant upload this straight away from the computer, so I had to post it up on youtube before posting it here >< 

Byez! :D

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Mr Tetris

Mr Tetris is my addiction. He is like my cigarette, alcohol and drug. Once I start, there is no stopping. He is not really that awesome-ly fun, but he just makes you want to continue playing. Every round is 2 minutes. After every round, I would tell myself, 'okay, I will just play one more round', but before I know it, many of my precious minutes have already gone by. Everytime I turn on my computer, Mr Tetris would pull me to him, and hold me tightly. I NEED TO STOP PLAYING!

In case you don't know, I'm talking about a game on facebook called Tetris Battle. Its causing me to waste a lot of my time, which I could have spent on other more productive activities. 

Anyways, I like this guy and the song he sang. But hes out of the competition already. :( 

Thursday 23 August 2012

The day before Prelims

Yes, my preliminary exams starts tmr.. And I am not confident of doing well at all. Tmr is my GP paper and as I was revising, I feel that I am so unequipped with the contents required. AQ is one, the passage could come out on anything! It is so difficult to come up with examples to support your argument. Then there is the paper one. You have to have a balanced argument, with preferably 3 examples for each point. Arghhhhhh!! its so stressful!

My wish is to enter the exam hall during Alevels and feel so confident and equipped with all the knowledge that I need! JYJYJYJY to myself and whoever is reading my blog!

Friday 17 August 2012


Yesterday was my birthday! hahah so saddening it just past about 1 hour ago. I had a great birthday! :) I 
-received many well wishes
-got chocolates from my class girls 
-got a 100 plus treat from Chen Jin 
-got raped by class boys ( I don't ever wanna rape anyone its such a horrible experience! )
-had cup cakes from Ivanka
-ate with Jing Yu and Ivanka at a Japanese restaurant
-met up with Zuo Hong and Roy!
-Mum gave me ang bao and a present!
So THANKS everyone who made my birthday a wonderful one! :) And I'm expecting to receive a nice card from SOMEONE who forgot to bring, and I'm going out with my friend later today! alright! woo. Looking forward manz! 
Thanks again bye! ^^v 

Saturday 11 August 2012


I suddenly feel inspired to post after reading Paul Tan's tweet. 'I get bored sometimes doing JJ physics prelim paper. Haish'. I don't know whether he meant that its just boring and tiring to do these papers, or that its too easy. But I think he meant the latter, cuz Paul's really smart. So after reading his post, I was thinking, these are the people that I am competing against in the Alvls. My aim for Alvls is to get all As! maybe except for GP, but at least a B for GP. But its really difficult to achieve that. I have gone through around 14 years of education, and now, NOW is really the crucial period, as it will determine the course that I will get into in the University. Amidst this time of stress, I sometimes feel discouraged. It was just only where I felt that way, as I was doing a chemistry MCQ quiz and I had SO MUCH trouble doing it. How am I supposed to get A this way! Plus I have been getting U grade for econs, and I did not do as well as I expected for physics. Sometimes I feel compelled to work really hard, but there is really so much to study and sometimes I feel like just giving up, or just doing the minimum. 

I just watched this video. And I find this person really amazing.. and insane. Seriously its SO DANGEROUS! my goodness!. Hahah. But its quite inspirational. After studying for so long, doing so many tutorials and practices, I should not just let go, but instead, continue to give my best shot at it. There is really not much time left to the Alvls and I should really maximize my time. 

Anyways I might be a little too greedy in wanting all As. I'm pretty interested in psychology and I think it requires a good grade for GP, and perhaps not so much on the content subjects, but getting good grades will give me more choices! But then, my good grades will be the expense of others good grades... hmm.

Ohh, Ryan introduced me to a v v nice song. :D

Hi~ girl you just caught my eye.


Friday 27 July 2012


Thank God Its Friday! yeaaaa really want to thank God for the awesome Fridays. My class ends at 12.30 on Fridays, so after school, many of my classmates will go to play frisbee! Most of the time I will join my classmates for frisbee, but because I'm in floorball for the tournament during PE lessons, I would go to play floorball if there are sticks, balls and people available. Its really awesome because we can finally take a break from the tiring and hectic Monday-Thursday, where there are extra lessons/lectures/quizzes/tests, and let ourselves loose on the field!

Today, I went to watch a classical guitar concert held in LT2 in school. I guess I don't really appreciate classical music, honestly I was a little bored, though they played really well. 

Thereafter, I would head back home to bathe and slack for a little while before heading for dinner and tuition! Tuition is great too! Its kinda like a bonding time with Jingyu and Ivanka as we head for dinner together and after tuition, sometimes we would just walk around and .. yea! its great. I hope that the econs tuition that I'm having now will benefit me! Well, I think that its beneficial.. but the results aren't showing in my CT2. I got an U grade, so its kinda sad. Hahah i still thought that I would get around a D grade. :(. NVM I believe that the tuition will help.

Anyways, heres a video that Ivanka showed us. You might want to put on a eye piece to listen to it cuz it may be more funny. HAHA.  



Tuesday 24 July 2012


God is really awesome and great. What a loving and faithful God I have, for when I was at my lowest, when I felt so insignificant and depressed, God comforted me. He picked me up and I could walk again. I was in tears and He made me smile again. I just want to give thanks to God and never forget about the close encounters that I had with Him.

Last Sunday, God has revealed Himself to me again. During youth service, the main message that pastor Calvin shared was about giving our lives completely to God. So nearing the end of the service, a guitarist led us to sing The Stand by Hillsong United. As the music was being played and we were all singing, I could really feel the presence of the Holy Spirit in the room and it was so strong and abundant that everyone in the room were really worshiping and praising the Lord. Then pastor Calvin told us that if anyone wanted to come up to front to be prayed for we could do so. Usually, a typical Jeremy would just stay at his seat. But this time, the prompting was so strong, after a while, i went up to the front. As I was being prayed for, the Holy Spirit filled me and the presence of the Holy Spirit was so strong and powerful. I couldn't control all the tears and the liquid flowing out of my eyes and nose. They just flowed out and I was weeping so badly. God has touched me really deeply. 

This is really an experience I do not want to ever forget. 

Another great song :) - Unending Love

Saturday 21 July 2012


Let me give you some reasons why i wouldn't create a blog.
1. Its troublesome to create an account.
2. Its difficult to think of the blog name.
3. It requires a lot of time and effort to post regularly so as to keep your blog alive.
4. You are letting everyone into your life. (I'm not comfortable telling strangers about my inner most feelings.)
5. Stalkers.

Aside from that, there are many other reasons why i want to create a blog. I feel that it is quite interesting to have a blog, a platform where you can pen down, or rather type down you thoughts. Being a person who do not express myself really well, words written out will be able to convey my feelings and messages better. The blog serves as a place where precious memories can be stored too. As years will pass and people come and go, I can look back at my life and see how I was back then, how much fun I had, or what sorrow I had conquered and overcame. 

Of course! I would probably never really want to create a blog if not for my friends who have blogs too. And as Someone told me that 'Blog is a space where you can pen down your memories or your thoughts. Its better than twitter or facebook cause it doesn't appear in things like newsfeed. So only those who matter reads them and those who matter are usually our good and close friends!', I guess its okay to post some of my more personal feelings here yea?! Hahaha anyways it wasn't that troublesome to create an account, but the blog name was a little more difficult! But with the help of a name generator, I managed to get some ideas! . You have to type one or two keywords and the website will generate some names and that is how I came up with musicmilktea lol! 

Anyways, Alevels is coming and I don't know if I will be able to post things here frequently. This is the time to really MUG HARD! JIAYOUS everyone who is taking Alevels too! :D
Alright bye!