Friday 27 July 2012


Thank God Its Friday! yeaaaa really want to thank God for the awesome Fridays. My class ends at 12.30 on Fridays, so after school, many of my classmates will go to play frisbee! Most of the time I will join my classmates for frisbee, but because I'm in floorball for the tournament during PE lessons, I would go to play floorball if there are sticks, balls and people available. Its really awesome because we can finally take a break from the tiring and hectic Monday-Thursday, where there are extra lessons/lectures/quizzes/tests, and let ourselves loose on the field!

Today, I went to watch a classical guitar concert held in LT2 in school. I guess I don't really appreciate classical music, honestly I was a little bored, though they played really well. 

Thereafter, I would head back home to bathe and slack for a little while before heading for dinner and tuition! Tuition is great too! Its kinda like a bonding time with Jingyu and Ivanka as we head for dinner together and after tuition, sometimes we would just walk around and .. yea! its great. I hope that the econs tuition that I'm having now will benefit me! Well, I think that its beneficial.. but the results aren't showing in my CT2. I got an U grade, so its kinda sad. Hahah i still thought that I would get around a D grade. :(. NVM I believe that the tuition will help.

Anyways, heres a video that Ivanka showed us. You might want to put on a eye piece to listen to it cuz it may be more funny. HAHA.  



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