Tuesday 4 September 2012

Mr Tetris

Mr Tetris is my addiction. He is like my cigarette, alcohol and drug. Once I start, there is no stopping. He is not really that awesome-ly fun, but he just makes you want to continue playing. Every round is 2 minutes. After every round, I would tell myself, 'okay, I will just play one more round', but before I know it, many of my precious minutes have already gone by. Everytime I turn on my computer, Mr Tetris would pull me to him, and hold me tightly. I NEED TO STOP PLAYING!

In case you don't know, I'm talking about a game on facebook called Tetris Battle. Its causing me to waste a lot of my time, which I could have spent on other more productive activities. 

Anyways, I like this guy and the song he sang. But hes out of the competition already. :( 

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