Saturday 8 September 2012

Sunsilk Academy Fantasia Singapore

I went to Central with my mum just now to watch the contestants of the Academy! Sunsilk Academy Fantasia Singapore is a singing competition actually, whereby the contestants have to stay in a place to receive training during which they cant contact with other people. So its quite interesting that I can get to see them live! And my mum and I were standing at the second floor, when we saw two of the contestants who were out of the competition already, and we got to see them real close! I wanted to say Hi to them but!...... in the end decided not to. hahaha.

Here are two videos that I took with my mum's digital camera.

Zhang Chi and Hui Xian singing Jay Chou's 珊瑚海.

Irwin singing 韋禮安's 慢慢等.

I don't know why I cant upload this straight away from the computer, so I had to post it up on youtube before posting it here >< 

Byez! :D

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