Thursday 4 October 2012


People always learn to cherish the things that they had before only after lose them. 
Very often, I tend to take all the wonderful things around me for granted too. Its only after these things distant from me that I feel I have lost a part of me and realized how good things were. No matter how small or big these things were, they make a difference. The key is to be contented and cherish all that you have. But sometimes its just difficult to do so, because we always want things to change and become better. In life, things don't always go the way we want, sometimes, things fall apart.
Hahah I know that this post sounds so down and pessimistic, because this is me now. Slightly pessimistic about the future. About results, about relationships(any kind of relationships). 
Well, life goes on. There are ups and downs, but take joy, for we know that God is with us in every step of our way.

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