Friday 17 August 2012


Yesterday was my birthday! hahah so saddening it just past about 1 hour ago. I had a great birthday! :) I 
-received many well wishes
-got chocolates from my class girls 
-got a 100 plus treat from Chen Jin 
-got raped by class boys ( I don't ever wanna rape anyone its such a horrible experience! )
-had cup cakes from Ivanka
-ate with Jing Yu and Ivanka at a Japanese restaurant
-met up with Zuo Hong and Roy!
-Mum gave me ang bao and a present!
So THANKS everyone who made my birthday a wonderful one! :) And I'm expecting to receive a nice card from SOMEONE who forgot to bring, and I'm going out with my friend later today! alright! woo. Looking forward manz! 
Thanks again bye! ^^v 

1 comment:

  1. HAHA. Think you need to wait very long cause now study break ^^
