Sunday 16 December 2012


I was out with my friends some day ago to watch Life of Pi and to have dinner. So, we went to Plaza Singapura to watch the movie and have dinner. After that, we went to the Plaza Sing's new extension to walk around. While we were just walking around, one of my friend asked: 'what are we doing?/what are we gonna do now?'. He asked that a few times and I figured that he was probably a little bored or tired of walking, cuz we were just strolling through the shopping center aimlessly and just exploring the new place. So it got me thinking a little...
I have other friends who always like to say things like 'so sian' or 'boring siaaa' or ' kum sian!'. To me, I din feel really THAT sian or bored although we weren't really doing anything much. What I feel is that sometimes, its not about the things we do, but its about the company that we have with one another. Of course, that only applies to closer friends, whom we feel comfortable with. I think that it is actually quite important to just appreciate the presence of one another.. especially in marriage where you cant be doing very fun and interesting things all the time.