Thursday 23 August 2012

The day before Prelims

Yes, my preliminary exams starts tmr.. And I am not confident of doing well at all. Tmr is my GP paper and as I was revising, I feel that I am so unequipped with the contents required. AQ is one, the passage could come out on anything! It is so difficult to come up with examples to support your argument. Then there is the paper one. You have to have a balanced argument, with preferably 3 examples for each point. Arghhhhhh!! its so stressful!

My wish is to enter the exam hall during Alevels and feel so confident and equipped with all the knowledge that I need! JYJYJYJY to myself and whoever is reading my blog!

Friday 17 August 2012


Yesterday was my birthday! hahah so saddening it just past about 1 hour ago. I had a great birthday! :) I 
-received many well wishes
-got chocolates from my class girls 
-got a 100 plus treat from Chen Jin 
-got raped by class boys ( I don't ever wanna rape anyone its such a horrible experience! )
-had cup cakes from Ivanka
-ate with Jing Yu and Ivanka at a Japanese restaurant
-met up with Zuo Hong and Roy!
-Mum gave me ang bao and a present!
So THANKS everyone who made my birthday a wonderful one! :) And I'm expecting to receive a nice card from SOMEONE who forgot to bring, and I'm going out with my friend later today! alright! woo. Looking forward manz! 
Thanks again bye! ^^v 

Saturday 11 August 2012


I suddenly feel inspired to post after reading Paul Tan's tweet. 'I get bored sometimes doing JJ physics prelim paper. Haish'. I don't know whether he meant that its just boring and tiring to do these papers, or that its too easy. But I think he meant the latter, cuz Paul's really smart. So after reading his post, I was thinking, these are the people that I am competing against in the Alvls. My aim for Alvls is to get all As! maybe except for GP, but at least a B for GP. But its really difficult to achieve that. I have gone through around 14 years of education, and now, NOW is really the crucial period, as it will determine the course that I will get into in the University. Amidst this time of stress, I sometimes feel discouraged. It was just only where I felt that way, as I was doing a chemistry MCQ quiz and I had SO MUCH trouble doing it. How am I supposed to get A this way! Plus I have been getting U grade for econs, and I did not do as well as I expected for physics. Sometimes I feel compelled to work really hard, but there is really so much to study and sometimes I feel like just giving up, or just doing the minimum. 

I just watched this video. And I find this person really amazing.. and insane. Seriously its SO DANGEROUS! my goodness!. Hahah. But its quite inspirational. After studying for so long, doing so many tutorials and practices, I should not just let go, but instead, continue to give my best shot at it. There is really not much time left to the Alvls and I should really maximize my time. 

Anyways I might be a little too greedy in wanting all As. I'm pretty interested in psychology and I think it requires a good grade for GP, and perhaps not so much on the content subjects, but getting good grades will give me more choices! But then, my good grades will be the expense of others good grades... hmm.

Ohh, Ryan introduced me to a v v nice song. :D

Hi~ girl you just caught my eye.
