Sunday 9 August 2015

A new phase of life

My first official lesson in NUS will start this coming week on Tuesday. I'm not really too excited about this as there is just so many uncertainties about what is going to happen. Firstly, I'm rather afraid that I may not be interested in what I am learning. I feel that loving what you do is going to be an important factor in doing well in it. I mean, I have never done accounts before, not in secondary school, not in Junior College. Of course, I will be taking some other modules related to businesses, organisations, economics, which I am also unsure if I am really passionate or even interested about learning them. Secondly, the business school culture can be quite competitive and vocal. Also, social skills is highly emphasized as we may have to rely on one another for notes and information. This culture is pretty different from all the schools that I have been to and I am unsure if I will enjoy myself in a culture like this. Thirdly, university's style of education as a whole is pretty much different from secondary school or Junior College. You have to bid for modules, read your emails..etc. Well, at the very least I get a slight idea of how university will be like now, as compared to previously when I knew it was different but did not know how it was different. 
Nonetheless, I will embrace the choice that I made two years ago and I know that I am where I am for a reason. I also know that regardless what happens, of whatever difficulties that I may face, I have a God who is greater than all problems. I have a God who wants to be involved in my life and who wants to listen to the good and bad that I am going through. I have a God who is ever so faithful to me despite my weaknesses. :)))