Thursday 18 December 2014

End of year~~

It's nearing the end of the year again! I just want to thank God for guiding me and bringing me through the year, from the difficult times in the army, to adjusting to the work and the culture in the new unit, and to being able to take leaves and enjoy the civilian life. Many things have happened, whether good or bad, I thank God for putting me exactly where He wants me to be and letting me go through all that He had intended for me to go through. For "God is faithful, and he will not let you be tested beyond your strength but with your testing he will also provide a way out so that you may be able to endure it" (1 Corinthians 10:13) The lessons that I have learnt this year through the good and the bad will prepare me for the future times! 

Thank God for all the awards and achievement I have received in the different phases of my army life which gave me the encouragement to press on and do a better job in NS. 

Chief of Artillery Coin~
Best Commander of the Month of July 2014~
I thank God for the people of so many different traits and character that I saw in army. It is really quite interesting to see how every individual in the unit connect and interact with each other, especially when every individual is so different in so many ways.

I thank God for giving me the heart to want to bring my mum to Taiwan, seeing things that we will never see back here in Singapore, as well as living the Taiwan lifestyle and learning their culture. It was a really good experience planning the trip! Initially, there was fear and uncertainty about going free and easy, but after the trip, I realized it was not too difficult to plan and to follow according to the plan! Of course, I believe God has placed the people in my life for a reason, and at that planning phase, many of my friends who have been to Taiwan gave me so much help and so many useful information, making the trip so smooth and easy! ;)

KFC at Ximending!


Beautiful view at Jiu Fen!

When the cold wind blows~ at Dan Shui

View at the top of Taipei 101

Me and my favorite car!

Lastly, I thank God for all the friends that has continued to stay in my life! These are the people whom I can share my laughter, smiles, troubles and sadness with. Most importantly, these are the people can accept me for who I am and I for who they are! :)  

Friday 16 May 2014

FAT is the way to go

Fat is the way to go! I have always wanted to gain some weight but unfortunately I am an ectomorph and thus it is difficult for me to do so. Reason being ectomorphs have really high metabolism which prevents them from gaining fats easily. That is why being fat is great, because it is easier for a fat person to lose weight than a skinny person to gain weight. :D

OK.. Maybe what I said above isn't really that true.. It probably takes an equal amount of hardwork and sheer determination for both a fat person to lose weight and a skinny boy like me to gain weight. The amount of time someone has to run, exercise to sweat it all out is probably comparable to the amount of time I have to spend in the gym doing intense workouts. 

Well.. actually being an ectomorph isn't that bad.. I can get to enjoy various kinds of food without having to worry about gaining the tummy. Controlling my diet and limiting the food I can eat is never a problem that I have to face. Ectomorphs are also super lean. ;0

The reason why I am posting is because I fractured my hand a few months ago and could not go to the gym during this period. One day someone told me I was getting skinner and I looked in the mirror and felt that I was really damn skinny :/ So now I starting to train up again! My wrist is still pretty weak from the injury, but training a little is better than doing nothing! I have to start somewhere right? Hahah all the best to everyone in staying fit and achieving your dream body ;D