Friday 23 August 2013


 My new cutie pie toy dog called Jie En!

Mint and chocolate cake at home!

Lunch at Osaka Ohsho was so good!

Cake in camp with the army guys!

I always feel blessed to have great friends and family on my birthday! So.. the pictures above are basically what I got and ate on my birthday! Thanks to everyone who made me feel special on the day, to those who got me presents, cake and fooood! And thanks to every single one who wished me on my birthday! :))

Monday 15 July 2013

Friday 3 May 2013

Feeling Blessed

I'm enlisting on 7 May! .. which is only 3 days from today. I feel quite okay about going into BMT because many of my friends who went in seems to be happy and had a good time in tekong with their new friends. I've had a good 5 months of real fun and slack since the Alvls, doing many things that I really enjoy, such as swimming, pool, halo, etc.. AWESOME! A few days ago I went out with my friends to buy some army stuff, and I bought myself a new cap!! Just today, I've got accepted into NUS accountancy! woohoo :D 
Yesterday, I went out to have buffet with my secondary friends and today, had a good dinner with church friends in which both were kinda like farewell meals as I'm gonna enter into NS. sooooooo I'm feeling quite blessed to have friends supporting and encouraging me! Not forgetting the ice cream that I'm gonna have later today and the basketball game that I'm gonna play on Sunday as a farewell kind of thing. Hehe Thank God for all theseee!

Tuesday 9 April 2013

I love Jayesslee

Jayesslee's album is so awesome! You all have got to hear it. Though most of the songs in their album are covers of other people's songs, they have done a really good job changing it to their own style.

Heres the album! Just put on your ear piece, close your eyes and listen to the beautiful voices of Janice and Sonia. :D

Monday 18 March 2013


I dont know what course I should apply for! Originally I wanted to go into social science to do psychology and do counselling related kind of jobs. Now, I feel inadequate to become a clinical psychologist as they have to be able to communicate well and be emotionally stable when met with high stress situations.. which I dont think either of them I can do well in. We dont have much time left to apply for the university courses, if I am still unable to decide on which course I wanna go into prob I will have to apply next year alrdy. ~.~